Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Son's Diapers (Due to sensative skin) Updated!!

In my last post about my little man's diapers I spoke of Huggies and Pampers. Everyone that is a mother in this time knows they are the top of the line, the best of the best.. The only downside is how pricey they can be compared to some of the other brands. Well here's some good news for you! I'm sure you have heard of Sam's Club before, right? If not, they are very similar to Costco. Yes, you do need a membership to shop there, but it isn't that bad of a price! Especially since it's an annual (yearly) payment. You can join here and see the chart along with what kind of benefits you can have depending on what you get.

Now enough about Sam's Club as for the general, here is what you want to know about and why. My son has super sensative skin as far as diapers, wipes, and diaper rash creams go. So what does Sam's Club have that no one else does? The diapers are called Members Mark Comfort Care. They have a great price for the amount of diapers you can get. My son works great with them! If you read my last version of his diaper situation you would know already that he cannot handle most diapers. He can't even use Luvs, sadly.

Member's Mark Comfort Care Baby Diapers (Choose Your Size)

Something that's nice about Sam's Club is that if your child can't use their company's brand they still sell both Huggies and Pampers!! Costco doesn't sell Pampers, but they do sell Huggies. I haven't tried their diaper brand, but only because I been told it isn't worth it. At least, if your child has sensative skin that is. Now don't start thinking I'm against Costco, I know some people that love Costco! My grandmother actually just switched from Sam's Club to Costco. The main reason she did was because her prescription was nearly 2-3 times more expensive at Sam's Club compared to Costco. So if you're a Costco shopper, awesome! Remember, I'm only here to help you out! 😊

Now keep in mind that all children are different! Some brands may work for others and some may not, it definitely doesn't hurt to try. When you do try a different brand go with a small package that's cheapest (of that brand). Otherwise you just spent a bundle of money left with a bunch of diapers that your child can't even use. When you do have anything you don't need or use there are always places you can donate to that will give it away to people who can use it. No I'm not talking about Goodwill. I apologize to all of you Goodwill lovers, but when they say they are a non-profit organization when you donate to them and they still sell it at a normal stores price or pretty close to it I think it's just wrong. People who are in desperate need can't really afford some of the prices they have. If I'm going to pay a price they sell for I'd rather go to an actual store where it's brand new. Back to topic... You can drop anything that is still usable to churches, and sometimes there are places that are for baby items mother items in your area. Like out by where I live there are a couple places like that. One is called the Baby Basket. Which is a church where a lot of people can donate pretty much anything to. From clothes to diapers to strollers and so on. Another place that I love going to is called the Pregnancy Care Center. Everyone who is there is super nice and helpful. When you need something for your baby they are 100% there for you! In the future I'll be doing a review of both places. Even if you're not in the area you can always ask you doctor or your baby's doctor if they know anything similar is around in your area!!

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