Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Needs vs. Wants -In The Nursery-

Every mother-to-be has questions about what they truly need versus what is just a want. Whether it's because they are on a tight budget, little room to work with, or they just want the necessary. Heck, maybe you're just curious? This will be only six main items for the nursery that most people think of as "the big items".

The changing table and changing pad:

Is a changing table a want or a need? This is honestly your decision to make. In my own home I actually got rid of my changing table. I used it for storage more than anything. Diapers, wipes, towels, diaper rash cream, etc. If you are wondering if you need it to change your baby's diaper then no, this is a want. If you think you need it to organize some storage, and you have the room for it, then I would consider it a need. However, you and your baby can survive without it regardless. So the decision is up to you. I wouldn't call these completely pointless, though. Having a place to change your baby's diaper so you don't have to bend your back in an odd angle is nice. It isn't as hard on your back, sometimes. You can still change your baby on the floor, your bed, or their crib. Where you change your baby is up to you, just make sure they don't roll off or away!

Here's a couple links for a changing table and one for a changing pad:

A portable changing pad is definitely a need in my book! You never know when you will be out and about and all of a sudden your child is unhappy because they had a wet diaper. Once I was in walmart with my son and he decided to go #2 and it went all the way up his back.. that was a nightmare. So yes, that does happen! Luckily, as far as I know, every diaper bag comes with a portable changing pad. You really don't want you baby catching any germs from others. This is why I suggest a portable changing pad. Who knows what illness or disease other people carry, or even if the place your at.. what if they don't have a changing spot.. People track mud, dog poop, all kinds of germs and nasty things on the ground. Trust me, you want that changing pad!

The crib and mattress:

You definitely cannot go without a crib and mattress, your baby needs his/her own bed. Whether you decide to co-sleep or not, you need a crib. No, I am not saying you should co-sleep (especially if you are a rolly poley), but that doesn't mean you, or others will not listen. It is known for babies to be more safe when they are in their own bed compared to being in bed with others. Especially in their first year of life. Even if you are co-sleeping, though, you still need to get some time alone with your partner and it's easiest when your baby is sleeping, or napping, in his/her own bed. You won't have to worry about waking the baby up and you and your partner can watch a movie, or what ever you have in mind.

Here is a link for a crib and a mattress:

If you cannot afford a crib try a Pack n' Play, or a portable crib. Also sometimes churches will donate things you may need like cribs and other items. Sometimes they can also help you find programs or classes you can take that can help you earn/get baby items.

Here's a link for a portable crib:

A bassinet:

A bassinet is more of a want item, however, they are smaller than a crib and are very convenient for the first few months. When mom and baby comes home, usually, you want to keep baby in your room. This is because until they start eating more and sleeping through the night you won't want to keep getting up out of bed. The first few months they wake up every two hours (roughly) due to wanting the milk. Whether you are breastfeeding or bottlefeeding, it's still very convenient. Even Babies R Us has some for under $60! They usually last about three months. My son was over 21" long and he fit in his until he was about three months old.

Here's a couple links for a bassinet (one is for traveling):

A Gliding/Rocking Chair

Breastfeeding mommy's love these! Although they may be very useful, you don't need one. You may think you do, but you don't. You can easily rock your baby with one, but they can be very comfortable, you could possibly fall asleep yourself! (Shh!! I won't tell if you don't!) Anyway, they may work their wonders, but you must be careful rocking babies to sleep! If they don't learn to fall asleep on their own it can be difficult as they get older to go to sleep because they are used to you rocking and nursing them to sleep. I made that mistake with my son. I would nurse and rock him to sleep and now he's almost 6 months old and that is the only way he can fall asleep.

Here are a couple links for a gliding chair:

A Crib Mobile:

These little musical cuties we like to attach to the crib are the sweetest and most adorable for us, the nursery, and our beautiful little ones. They can be soothing, entertaining, and calming. They aren't necessarily a need, but they can be handy for when you want to lay your baby to sleep. I never went out and bought one, though, and my son is fine without it. I find that usually people like to get these as an additional decoration for a themed nursery.. and it just became a bonus that it entertains or soothes the baby to sleep.

Here are a couple crib mobiles for a boy:

For a girl:

For neutral:

I hope you found this helpful! Do not be shy to ask any questions! Thank you😊

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