Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Needs vs Wants -Baby Gear-

Baby Carrier:

Baby carriers are great for walking short distances like at a campground, or around your house and yard. When your baby is still under six months they love being close to you. Your touch gives them that physical comfort they need from when they were in the womb. Do you really need one? That honestly depends on your preference and daily schedule.

A nice baby carrier 4 in 1:

Infantino Flip Advanced 4-in-1 Convertible Carrier

Baby Gates:

There are more than just one kind of baby gates. There's a pressure mounted gate, a hardware mounted gate, and the free standing gates which are more of a play pin that just circles around them. Is this something you should have? Yes. Is this something you need to pour a crazy amount of money on? Uh, no! Something I would say you should focus on is getting a metal gate instead of a plastic or a wooden gate, though. Especially if you own any pets, they are most likely to try and chew or paw the gate so they can get through.

Cardinal Gates 5" Width Extension

Evenflo- Versatile Play Space Gate (Plastic)

Diaper Bag:

Every parent needs some kind of a bag to carry for their baby, or toddler. Whether your baby is in diapers or not. When you are on the go with your child they will always need something. It could be a diaper change, a snack, or even a change of clothes. You never know when a child is gonna spill food or juice on themselves, or if they decide to go play in the dirt or mud (which is not what you want all over your vehicle, trust me).

Baby Boom Zebra Print Diaper Bag

Baby Boom Giraffe Print Duffel Diaper Bag

High Chair/Booster Seat:

A high chair is a very common thing for people to think about when having a baby. The nice thing is the fact that you really don't need one until your baby reaches about six months of age (what most parents wait for in age length). You know you'll need one once your baby is starting to learn to get around and you have chosen to start feeding solids, such as baby food and cereal, to him/her.
A booster seat can be helpful for when your child is in the toddler stage and is sitting with you at the table. There are high chairs that are convertible and when you take it apart they can be used as the perfect seat for your child at the table!

Ingenuity 3-in-1 Highchair

Baby Positioners & Seats:

Babies don't always want to be held or to lay down, they like to be sat up, too, and they need it. Baby seats like these help them build their neck muscles to hold up their head on their own. These are also great for family nights when everyone is either watching a movie, playing a game, or just sitting altogether talking. You also shouldn't always be holding your baby anyway because they can get very use to it and as they get older they can become very clingy and get fussy if you are not holding them. So you need to give your child a chance to get use to not always being held. What I really loved about my seat for my son was the fact that you can use this as a replacement for a high chair until he out grows it.

Sit Me Up Citrus Frog

Shopping-Cart Cover:

Are you a germophobe? When it comes to your baby you should be. When you're sick but you still need to go shopping, do you go or stay? Depending on how bad you feel you most likely will stay home. However, you can be sick without having symptoms. Symptoms can take a day or two to kick in after being exposed to a virus or illness. So anyone can be carrying germs or a virus around without even knowing it. So I would recommend to use a sanitizing wipe to clean off the cart and some sort of cover for the cart, this way you know your child is better protected from getting some nasty illness.

Child of Mine Grey Shopping-Cart Cover

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