Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Bath time for your baby! (Along with some skin conditions and care)

Bath Time Talk

Image result for duck with bubbles

Bath time for babies at first can be scary, but once you have done it the first or second time it's no sweat! When my son and I came home from the hospital I actually asked my mother to give him a bath because I was terrified I was going to mess up his umbilical cord or where he got circumcised. So I just watched her and while I did I realized I had nothing to worry about. Remember that when your newborn comes home that you should only be giving sponge baths until the umbilical cord is gone and their belly button is healed (this usually takes anywhere between 10-14 days). When you give your baby a bath make sure all the soap is rinsed off (with newborns use a wet washcloth to wipe the soap away) before drying your baby with their towel. Once your baby's belly button has healed you can start giving them a normal kind of bath with water sitting in the tub (or sink), but make sure the water is no higher than 3 inches, and never leave your baby unattended while taking a bath. It would be very heartbreaking if your baby even became close to drowning just because you realized you forgot to grab something, so make sure you have everything you need before setting your baby in for a bath!

Image result for Baby bath needs

  • Tub? Check! 
  • Baby wash and washcloths? Check! 
  • Towel? Baby lotion? Double check!
  • Grab it all!

Once your baby can sit up you can give him/her some toys to play with to make bath time also fun time! First your baby gets cleaned up but once that is all said and done your baby can be free to play as long as they like in the tub! Which most babies have a lot of fun splashing, kicking and playing in the tub. I know my son loves his bath time and he is nearly 9 months old.

Your baby does not need a bath everyday, but lotion is a must every day at least once a day. As we all know, lotion is to help keep our skin moisturized to prevent dryness. The best time to apply lotion is after bath time, but that doesn't mean it's the only time! Something you will want to avoid are the lotions that have perfumes or dyes because your baby still has very sensative skin, and sometimes they can be either be allergic or dry out due to the dyes or perfume. If you ever see any dry, flaky, red or irritated skin you should ask you doctor for a recommended lotion, ointment or cream. Sometimes your baby can only use one or the other. Like my son can't use vaseline or coconut oil. anything clear like that just doesn't work for him it only makes it worse, but that doesn't mean your baby is the same. Every child is different.

Two common conditions your baby can get is milia and cradle cap. They aren't really something to worry about as long as you know about them and how to handle the conditions for if and when they may occur.

  • Milia - Not all, but most newborns get milia, which is tiny bumps on their face. They are pinhead-sized bumps that show up mostly on your baby's nose and/or cheeks that are caused by blocked pores. After your baby is about one or two months old they usually disappear. Try to not apply any kind of ointments or creams on their face while having milia. Just wash the face every day with a gentle baby soap mixed with water.
  • Cradle cap - A very common scalp condition that can affect creases in the baby's armpits, neck or diaper area. A fancy word that doctors like to call it would be seborrheic dermatitis. Your baby might has yellow, scaly or crusty patches on his/her scalp, but it usually isn't itchy or painful. Something that I have always found that works is using baby oil! All you do is keep some baby oil (you can aslo use coconut oil) on your baby's head at least an hour or two before your baby gets a bath, brush your baby's head with a baby brush and wash it off in the bath. What this does is soften the skin and then cleaning off the yellow patches or crusty spots (just don't try rubbing it or forcing it off). What I personally do is keep the baby oil on my son's head at all times and making sure I re-apply it an hour or two before his bath so I know it's extra fresh and softened. Besides, baby oil on your baby's skin is healthy! Just make sure if your child is being exposed to the sun they have a hat on, since oil attracts the sun and heat. If it doesn't get any better and worsens by starting to spread call your baby's doctor about treatment.

Some baby's also can have a skin condition called eczema. With my son I haven't had to worry about that with. This is a skin condition that causes your baby to have dry, red and itchy skin. Your doctor may call it atopic dermatitis. At about 60% of babies they will outgrow the eczema, but it can come and go throughout a your baby's life. Usually it happens in infants who have allergies or a family with a history or allergies or asthma. Eczema symptoms commonly happen in stages, so your baby may not have all the symptoms at the same time. Your child may have some of these symptoms during a flare-up:
  1. Small bumps on cheeks, forehead or scalp
  2. Itchy, dry, red skin anywhere on the body
  3. Circular, slightly raised, itchy and scaly bumps that ooze (or leak) clear fluid, often in the bends of elbows, behind the knees and on the back of wrists and ankles
So what can you do to help ease the eczema and prevent flare-ups? Here are some tips:
  1. Give your child a regular 10-minute soaking bath in luke warm water. Pat the skin with a dry towel, instead of rubbing it dry.
  2. Don't use sponges or washcloths on areas where your baby has symptoms. Instead use your hands.
  3. Use a moisturizer (like lotion). Apply it no more than 3 minutes after bathing your baby and throughout the day to dry areas. If my son had this I, personally, would be looking for the lotions that either said they were specifically for eczema or had the oatmeal written on the bottle.
  4. When buying soaps, detergents, and moisturizers look for fragrance-free and not only unscented.
  5. Make sure you keep your baby's nails cut short so scratching is something you don't have to worry about because scratching can make eczema worse!
  6. You cannot completely prevent eczema, but try to keep track of what may have caused the flare-ups that way you can help prevent the triggers that make it worse for your baby. Triggers usually include anything your baby may touch. An example could be a specific laundry detergent or allergens like dust mites.
  7. Avoid scratchy clothes. Look for breathable clothes such as cotton.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Son's Diapers (Due to sensative skin) Updated!!

In my last post about my little man's diapers I spoke of Huggies and Pampers. Everyone that is a mother in this time knows they are the top of the line, the best of the best.. The only downside is how pricey they can be compared to some of the other brands. Well here's some good news for you! I'm sure you have heard of Sam's Club before, right? If not, they are very similar to Costco. Yes, you do need a membership to shop there, but it isn't that bad of a price! Especially since it's an annual (yearly) payment. You can join here and see the chart along with what kind of benefits you can have depending on what you get.

Now enough about Sam's Club as for the general, here is what you want to know about and why. My son has super sensative skin as far as diapers, wipes, and diaper rash creams go. So what does Sam's Club have that no one else does? The diapers are called Members Mark Comfort Care. They have a great price for the amount of diapers you can get. My son works great with them! If you read my last version of his diaper situation you would know already that he cannot handle most diapers. He can't even use Luvs, sadly.

Member's Mark Comfort Care Baby Diapers (Choose Your Size)

Something that's nice about Sam's Club is that if your child can't use their company's brand they still sell both Huggies and Pampers!! Costco doesn't sell Pampers, but they do sell Huggies. I haven't tried their diaper brand, but only because I been told it isn't worth it. At least, if your child has sensative skin that is. Now don't start thinking I'm against Costco, I know some people that love Costco! My grandmother actually just switched from Sam's Club to Costco. The main reason she did was because her prescription was nearly 2-3 times more expensive at Sam's Club compared to Costco. So if you're a Costco shopper, awesome! Remember, I'm only here to help you out! 😊

Now keep in mind that all children are different! Some brands may work for others and some may not, it definitely doesn't hurt to try. When you do try a different brand go with a small package that's cheapest (of that brand). Otherwise you just spent a bundle of money left with a bunch of diapers that your child can't even use. When you do have anything you don't need or use there are always places you can donate to that will give it away to people who can use it. No I'm not talking about Goodwill. I apologize to all of you Goodwill lovers, but when they say they are a non-profit organization when you donate to them and they still sell it at a normal stores price or pretty close to it I think it's just wrong. People who are in desperate need can't really afford some of the prices they have. If I'm going to pay a price they sell for I'd rather go to an actual store where it's brand new. Back to topic... You can drop anything that is still usable to churches, and sometimes there are places that are for baby items mother items in your area. Like out by where I live there are a couple places like that. One is called the Baby Basket. Which is a church where a lot of people can donate pretty much anything to. From clothes to diapers to strollers and so on. Another place that I love going to is called the Pregnancy Care Center. Everyone who is there is super nice and helpful. When you need something for your baby they are 100% there for you! In the future I'll be doing a review of both places. Even if you're not in the area you can always ask you doctor or your baby's doctor if they know anything similar is around in your area!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My Son's Diapers (Due to Sensative Skin)

My son has very sensative skin, just as I did when I was a baby. No, I am not a doctor, but I am an experienced mother with this issue. Therefore, I thought it'd be beneficial for you to hear my own thoughts on diapers for babies with sensative skin. The only diapers I have found to work for my son are the Huggies and Pampers. Yes, I know, they are more costly compared to a lot of the other diapers out there, but we want our children to be in comfort and not pain. I have tried a few knock-off brands, I tried White Cloud, and I even tried Luvs! None of them would work. The only luck I had was Pampers and Huggies, and if that's what it takes to keep my son in good shape, then that's what I'm going to keep using!

When I use the Huggies, I like using the little snugglers plus, or even just the snug & dry, they both work fine in my experience. Although, now that he has gotten bigger I use the little movers plus. The little movers is for when they start to learn how to move and get around. It helps using these because then when they go it's more likely it won't fall or leak out. Huggies were the only diapers my mother could use for me when I was a baby or else I would break out. So for me Huggies are a very well-trusted brand to use. If it weren't for Huggies, my mother would of had to use cloth diapers.

Pampers were the very first diapers he ever used because that's what the hospital keeps. Pampers are very well-known for their gentleness, and not once have I had any issues using them. They truly are soft and gentle. Pampers also have their own special kind of diapers for when your baby starts moving around, called cruisers.

Huggies and Pampers have something no other diaper company has, that I've heard of annyway. What they have is something called a rewards system. They both work a little bit differently though. Huggies points are only redeemable by a picture of your receipt. The receipt is only good for 30 days from the day you made your purchase. They have a lot of items you can redeem your points for, too. Pampers have a couple different ways you can redeem points. You can do as Huggies and just upload a picture of your receipt, or you can type in the code they give you. There are four different places the codes can be since there are four different ways you can buy your Pamper products. (One cool thing about Pampers is that they give free codes 2-3 times a month on their facebook page.)

  • First are your wipes:
  1. A tub of wipes has the code on the top of the box, but it is on the underneathe of the plastic wrap.
  2. Refills or pop up packs such as this will have the code either printed on the bottom of the outside or the inside. This depends on if the package is sold alone or in a package with more than one.

  • Then there are your diapers:
  1. A pack of diapers in a single bag usually just has the code sticker on the inside of the bag so you may want to be careful ripping the bag open!
  2. If you like to buy in bulk then the boxes usually have about three packages of diapers. Each package of diapers will have the code sticker on the side somewhere.

Both websites show you how many points you get out of each kind of diapers and wipes by the quantity and type that you get.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Needs vs Wants -Baby Gear-

Baby Carrier:

Baby carriers are great for walking short distances like at a campground, or around your house and yard. When your baby is still under six months they love being close to you. Your touch gives them that physical comfort they need from when they were in the womb. Do you really need one? That honestly depends on your preference and daily schedule.

A nice baby carrier 4 in 1:

Infantino Flip Advanced 4-in-1 Convertible Carrier

Baby Gates:

There are more than just one kind of baby gates. There's a pressure mounted gate, a hardware mounted gate, and the free standing gates which are more of a play pin that just circles around them. Is this something you should have? Yes. Is this something you need to pour a crazy amount of money on? Uh, no! Something I would say you should focus on is getting a metal gate instead of a plastic or a wooden gate, though. Especially if you own any pets, they are most likely to try and chew or paw the gate so they can get through.

Cardinal Gates 5" Width Extension

Evenflo- Versatile Play Space Gate (Plastic)

Diaper Bag:

Every parent needs some kind of a bag to carry for their baby, or toddler. Whether your baby is in diapers or not. When you are on the go with your child they will always need something. It could be a diaper change, a snack, or even a change of clothes. You never know when a child is gonna spill food or juice on themselves, or if they decide to go play in the dirt or mud (which is not what you want all over your vehicle, trust me).

Baby Boom Zebra Print Diaper Bag

Baby Boom Giraffe Print Duffel Diaper Bag

High Chair/Booster Seat:

A high chair is a very common thing for people to think about when having a baby. The nice thing is the fact that you really don't need one until your baby reaches about six months of age (what most parents wait for in age length). You know you'll need one once your baby is starting to learn to get around and you have chosen to start feeding solids, such as baby food and cereal, to him/her.
A booster seat can be helpful for when your child is in the toddler stage and is sitting with you at the table. There are high chairs that are convertible and when you take it apart they can be used as the perfect seat for your child at the table!

Ingenuity 3-in-1 Highchair

Baby Positioners & Seats:

Babies don't always want to be held or to lay down, they like to be sat up, too, and they need it. Baby seats like these help them build their neck muscles to hold up their head on their own. These are also great for family nights when everyone is either watching a movie, playing a game, or just sitting altogether talking. You also shouldn't always be holding your baby anyway because they can get very use to it and as they get older they can become very clingy and get fussy if you are not holding them. So you need to give your child a chance to get use to not always being held. What I really loved about my seat for my son was the fact that you can use this as a replacement for a high chair until he out grows it.

Sit Me Up Citrus Frog

Shopping-Cart Cover:

Are you a germophobe? When it comes to your baby you should be. When you're sick but you still need to go shopping, do you go or stay? Depending on how bad you feel you most likely will stay home. However, you can be sick without having symptoms. Symptoms can take a day or two to kick in after being exposed to a virus or illness. So anyone can be carrying germs or a virus around without even knowing it. So I would recommend to use a sanitizing wipe to clean off the cart and some sort of cover for the cart, this way you know your child is better protected from getting some nasty illness.

Child of Mine Grey Shopping-Cart Cover

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Needs vs. Wants -In The Nursery-

Every mother-to-be has questions about what they truly need versus what is just a want. Whether it's because they are on a tight budget, little room to work with, or they just want the necessary. Heck, maybe you're just curious? This will be only six main items for the nursery that most people think of as "the big items".

The changing table and changing pad:

Is a changing table a want or a need? This is honestly your decision to make. In my own home I actually got rid of my changing table. I used it for storage more than anything. Diapers, wipes, towels, diaper rash cream, etc. If you are wondering if you need it to change your baby's diaper then no, this is a want. If you think you need it to organize some storage, and you have the room for it, then I would consider it a need. However, you and your baby can survive without it regardless. So the decision is up to you. I wouldn't call these completely pointless, though. Having a place to change your baby's diaper so you don't have to bend your back in an odd angle is nice. It isn't as hard on your back, sometimes. You can still change your baby on the floor, your bed, or their crib. Where you change your baby is up to you, just make sure they don't roll off or away!

Here's a couple links for a changing table and one for a changing pad:

A portable changing pad is definitely a need in my book! You never know when you will be out and about and all of a sudden your child is unhappy because they had a wet diaper. Once I was in walmart with my son and he decided to go #2 and it went all the way up his back.. that was a nightmare. So yes, that does happen! Luckily, as far as I know, every diaper bag comes with a portable changing pad. You really don't want you baby catching any germs from others. This is why I suggest a portable changing pad. Who knows what illness or disease other people carry, or even if the place your at.. what if they don't have a changing spot.. People track mud, dog poop, all kinds of germs and nasty things on the ground. Trust me, you want that changing pad!

The crib and mattress:

You definitely cannot go without a crib and mattress, your baby needs his/her own bed. Whether you decide to co-sleep or not, you need a crib. No, I am not saying you should co-sleep (especially if you are a rolly poley), but that doesn't mean you, or others will not listen. It is known for babies to be more safe when they are in their own bed compared to being in bed with others. Especially in their first year of life. Even if you are co-sleeping, though, you still need to get some time alone with your partner and it's easiest when your baby is sleeping, or napping, in his/her own bed. You won't have to worry about waking the baby up and you and your partner can watch a movie, or what ever you have in mind.

Here is a link for a crib and a mattress:

If you cannot afford a crib try a Pack n' Play, or a portable crib. Also sometimes churches will donate things you may need like cribs and other items. Sometimes they can also help you find programs or classes you can take that can help you earn/get baby items.

Here's a link for a portable crib:

A bassinet:

A bassinet is more of a want item, however, they are smaller than a crib and are very convenient for the first few months. When mom and baby comes home, usually, you want to keep baby in your room. This is because until they start eating more and sleeping through the night you won't want to keep getting up out of bed. The first few months they wake up every two hours (roughly) due to wanting the milk. Whether you are breastfeeding or bottlefeeding, it's still very convenient. Even Babies R Us has some for under $60! They usually last about three months. My son was over 21" long and he fit in his until he was about three months old.

Here's a couple links for a bassinet (one is for traveling):

A Gliding/Rocking Chair

Breastfeeding mommy's love these! Although they may be very useful, you don't need one. You may think you do, but you don't. You can easily rock your baby with one, but they can be very comfortable, you could possibly fall asleep yourself! (Shh!! I won't tell if you don't!) Anyway, they may work their wonders, but you must be careful rocking babies to sleep! If they don't learn to fall asleep on their own it can be difficult as they get older to go to sleep because they are used to you rocking and nursing them to sleep. I made that mistake with my son. I would nurse and rock him to sleep and now he's almost 6 months old and that is the only way he can fall asleep.

Here are a couple links for a gliding chair:

A Crib Mobile:

These little musical cuties we like to attach to the crib are the sweetest and most adorable for us, the nursery, and our beautiful little ones. They can be soothing, entertaining, and calming. They aren't necessarily a need, but they can be handy for when you want to lay your baby to sleep. I never went out and bought one, though, and my son is fine without it. I find that usually people like to get these as an additional decoration for a themed nursery.. and it just became a bonus that it entertains or soothes the baby to sleep.

Here are a couple crib mobiles for a boy:

For a girl:

For neutral:

I hope you found this helpful! Do not be shy to ask any questions! Thank you😊